Viruses infecting bacteria – the “good viruses”

About bacteriophages
Bacteriophages are viruses which can infect only bacteria. They have narrow host range, i.e. these viruses are able only to infect the aimed bacetrium sp. Application of bacteriopages means a minimal intervention into the natural environment. Our bacteriophages are not genetically modified, only carefully selected and thoroughly characterized.
Application bacteriophages as biopesticides has many advantages over the classical products, the most important ones:
- Mode of action differs from the „traditional” antibiotics– phages may be effective also in cases when antibiotics would not work
- Narrow host specificity range
- Phages are also capable for mutation and can react rapidly to emergence of resistant bacteria
- Phage therapy has minimal effects on eukaryotic cells – avoioding side effects
- Environmentally friendly
- Applicable also in bioproduction

Latest news on bacteriophages
Our new publication on XOO phages
We contributed to the scientific work, which was published recently in the Microbiology Resource Announcements, presentic the complete genome of ten newly isolated and characterized bacteriophages infecting Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), tha causative agent of...
Presentation a scientific poster about XOO
We have presented a scientific poster at the 6th Xanthomonas Genomics Conference in Halle, Germany. Our poster provided information about comparative genomics of OP2-like bacteriophages. These bacteriophages can infect Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (XOO). XOO...
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